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Kittie Spit (Live) Album: Spit
Genres: Metal
Though the hype surrounding these youngsters may be a bit confusing, curious onlookers should find the band’s raw power intact in this live track. |
Kittie have secured a hectic touring schedule that often pits them against those audience members who came to see Kittie “show their tits.” Well, pal, that most likely will never happen because, judging from the live version of “Spit” presented here, Kittie seems intent on showing their chops instead. The track begins with a slightly swampy, majorly stuttering stomp akin to Pantera and Integrity brawling behind a dumpster; hell, let’s say the Doughnuts were there officiating, too. Unlike many of their much-older peers, Kittie fortunately seem to recognize that the energy level can remain just as high without resorting to a repetitious, ad nauseum bludgeon -- the rhythm section of Mercedes Lander and bassist Talena Atfield intermittently drops out for very brief spells while guitarists Fallow Bowman and Morgan Lander lighten up their chording so the stage divers can situate themselves for the explosion. But as a vocalist, Morgan doesn’t lighten up one minute bit (and all the better for it), sounding thoroughly incensed as her near-death-metal growls assault the front row of oglers. Some might’ve found Spit’s wannabe-Ross Robinson production values a bit too big-budget and predictable, but for those curious Kittie cats looking for the band’s raw power, this live track is the place to start.
Nathan T. Birk |
Nathan T. Birk is currently the associate editor of INK19. Though he is graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Florida, for the past seven years Nathan has been writing about music most of the law-abiding public wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. And contrary to popular belief, he doesn't only like heavy metal.
KiTTie just rules, bottom line. If theres any greatest metal band out there right now, it would be KiTTie. they have their own sound and they sound even better live.
Kittie is awesome. and just so you know, there was very little producer-involvement on the record. it's raw power. they recorded the cd before they were signed.
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Artemis Records
Official Kittie Site
All Music Guide: Kittie