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And you're old enough to know that there never was such a thing as the good old days.
No, they ain't no such thing as the good old days. All there's ever been is the bad days. (Laughs.) People say, "Oh, the good old days…" Good old days where? I didn't see 'em, ain't never had 'em, and they ain't ever gonna be. Be all these tragedies around you. The good old days? No. Every time I turn on the TV, it's tragedy, tragedy, tragedy. We are livin' in an unsafe world.

And your music makes people feel better in times of pain.
It'll heal ya. It's comfort. It's a thing that God gave me. I believe in a higher power. I don't know if you do or not, but I do.

Sure I do. I've had too many funky things happen in my life not to believe in God.
(Laughs.) Me too, man. Everything's funky with my life. You know what? This world will get you on its own. Now, I think the higher power made the earth and made this world. I think so. It didn't happen on its own.

There are plenty of tragedies, but there are miracles everywhere too.
Everywhere you look, there's a miracle. And God put all of that here. And we don't see Him, ain't gonna see Him. But I don't think this world would be here without Him. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. You can feel it. It's right there.

That's where your music comes from.
It's a whole lotta soul, and it's in ya. God put it in ya- a whole lotta soul. People say, "Where did you get all that soul from?"And I say, "It's a gift from God. And it's not in a book; you can't find it in a book. You're the book- it's inside of you." But I do have Bibles all around. I got Bibles in my house, in my car. I just got so much soul. Where did it come from? I don't know if it's talent or soul or a Higher Maker. It's an automatic gift of God. It's inside of me. I am the book. People say, "Aw, the blues, they're so true and how do you do it?" and I say, "I can't teach you soul-I'm your book. You got to have whatever it is that's in me." I don't know how I got it in, but it's me. And I write the best songs. I know I do. Great songs. Tellin' the truth. You'll never find in a book what John Lee Hooker does. It's automatic.

You know how to open up your soul and let the music move through you. And so do two of your close associates, Van Morrison and Carlos Santana.
Carlos and Van Morrison. Whew! They got it, all right. They got a whole lotta soul. They both call me all the time, Carlos and Van. Carlos calls all the time. We talk about the blues, and the maker, and the meaning of the blues, the meaning of the songs, the soul, the spirit, and where it come from. We talk about that all the time, me and Carlos.

Have you ever learned anything from him?
He didn't teach me. I already knew all the things that he told me. He was just telling me how true it is that it's all inside of me, how nobody can copy John Lee Hooker. Just like me, he says, "It's automatic. I don't know where it comes from, but it's there."

Mr. Hooker, it seems like every time I see a picture of you, you're surrounded by the most beautiful women.
It's true. I love the women. My love for women is there. I don't think there's nothing wrong with that. God put them here for us, or somebody did. He made man, He made woman. And He made me love these women, and I can't help it -- I'm surrounded by them. They're always around me. Whenever you see me, you're always gonna see me with the beautiful women.

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